Are you listening while I’m talking or just looking at my mouth?
Are you here to understand me or just somewhere in a cloud?
Do you recognize my predicament or just ruthlessly ignore?
Are you too young to be aware of the trouble you may cause
if you keep coming strong?
And if to respond?
doesn’t he must know
must be black jealousy now
worried for the same reason as I
They me knowing riches I’d stay
They me or bait
don’t way
We the ocean a filled with air
currents the breeze us further from the shore
From the sense eyes
Away from wish to deny
a of blue
Where just me you
Are you I’m thinking? Are you feeling feel?
whole my invention, attraction, real?
the whole I’ve to crashing down?
your sent to me from the of my mind?
you may show
you know
you may show
you know
you may show
you know
you may show
you know
you may show
you may show
you know
you may show
you know
you may show
you know
you know
you know
you know
you know
you know
you know
you know
you know