Soft Loft – Late Lyrics

I’m feeling it rush through your body swaying back and forth
Crushing air in your fists pushing air in your skin
Turn the music up real loud
The trigger’s stressed or depressed
Turn the music up real loud

You’re looking way too good with the tears in your eyes
You’re way too with the inside
You’re the in your eyes
You’re the in your fists

Turn the music up
Isolating the others you
up, palms, grinding teeth

The trigger’s stressed or depressed

You’re looking way too good with the tears in your eyes
You’re way too with the inside
You’re the in your eyes
You’re the in your fists

And don’t see what be
don’t feel
don’t see what be
don’t feel

Your body feels screaming, do hear it now?
in and feeling thin, swaying where’s your head?
it in now
The trigger’s stressed or depressed
it in now

You’re looking way too good with the tears in your eyes
You’re way too with the inside
You’re the in your fists
You’re the in your fists